Health Tip of the Week: Different Responses to Each Acupuncture Treatment

Q: Why is my feeling after treatment different from appointment to appointment? A: Our body is not like a computer where you can get the same output from the same input.  The response of each human body is different and varies from time to time. You cannot predict how your body responds to the treatment.  Sometimes we can not even describe clearly on our own feeling toward our body .  Thus it is quite normal that you will have different feelings after every treatment. Dr. Chun-Ming Fu
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Health Tip of The Week: The Difference Between Western and Chinese Medicine (2)

With Chinese herbal medicine, the prescription taken was adjusted accordingly by the condition of a body.   When the symptoms and health condition improves, the less amount of medication is required. The patient’s health condition gets better gradually as body’s constitution improves.    As a result, the treatment by Chinese medicine is usually with a better long-term result as it allows patient undergo changes day by day with decreased amount of medication and until the body get recovered ultimately and no longer require any medication. Dr. Chun-Ming Fu If you find this useful don’t forget to SHARE IT with your friends! :D And make sure to Follow Us on Twitter and Like Us on Facebook to receive important news, discounts, and health tips like this

Health Tip of The Week: Protect the Lower Back When Lifting

irvine acupuncture for back pain treatment Using appropriate lifting techniques will help prevent a lower back injury. Lift heavy items slowly, breaking the motion into smaller parts, whenever possible. For example, if you must lift a heavy box from the floor to a high shelf, find a support midway. Then rest the box there for a moment before hoisting it onto the shelf. When lifting, bend at the knees, not at the lower back. If you must turn while lifting, pivot with the feet, instead of twisting the lower back. Dr. Chun-Ming Fu If you find this useful don’t forget to SHARE IT with your friends! :D And make sure to Follow Us on Twitter and Like Us on Facebook to receive important news, discounts, and health tips like this

Health Tip of The Week: The Importance of Completing The Treatment Process

Q:If I am 70% recovered, should I let it heal on its own like a cold, and not continue the treatments? A:  Acupuncture is used to regulate body’s Qi and blood circulations. 70% recovery is like clearing half way of a clogged drain pipe, it will definitely be clogged again. It can also be said that being sick is like a screw that is loosened. The doctor has to screw it back. If during the treatment process the patient feels better and stops the treatment on his or her own, it will be like a half-tightened screw that will come loose again anytime. So it is necessary to be patient and complete the treatment process so the sickness will not reoccur, just like a tight screw that will not loosen easily.  Make sure to continue the treatment until you are fully recovered to avoid any symptom from becoming chronic because of incomplete treatments.  If the condition becomes chronic, the treatment will cost you more time and money. Dr. Chun-Ming Fu If you find this useful don’t forget to SHARE IT with your friends! :D And make sure to Follow Us on Twitter and Like Us on Facebook to receive important news, discounts, and health tips like this

Health Tip of The Week: Attention After Treatments Are Completed

After you are healed, please follow the doctor’s recommendations. Please take care of yourself and maintain positive posture to prevent reoccurrence of preexisting conditions. Even if the pain is gone it can still be a weak spot and needs care. If the condition is to reoccur, please come back to us to get treatment as soon as possible. In addition, you must understand that the responsibility of the doctor is to help you restore your body’s health condition. I am not a fitness trainer. Thus, you should not challenge your body or try any activity that may negatively affect your body during and after the treatments process.  Please take special care of your body so you can enjoy a healthy and happy life. Dr. Chun-Ming Fu If you find this useful don’t forget to SHARE IT with your friends! :D And make sure to Follow Us on Twitter and Like Us on Facebook to receive important news, discounts, and health tips like this    

Health Tip of the Week: Acupuncture and Herbs for Insomnia

Insomnia ranks high, right behind the common cold, stomach disorders and headaches as a reason why people seek a doctor’s help.  There are about one-third of adults complained that they woke up in the midnight and couldn’t continue their sleep. No matter if you can not continue the sleep in the midnight or can not fall asleep at the beginning, acupuncture and herbs are all very helpful to relieve the condition. There is the theory of Yin-Yang in Chinese medicine. Yang is like the day time, sun, hot, fire, dry… Yin is like the night time, moon, cold, water, wet… If Yin and Yang are balance in your body, you will feel comfortable, peaceful and healthy. If Yin is too low (Yin deficiency), you will feel too much Yang (Heat) in your body, the heat will disrupt your sleep. Having a good night sleep will increase the Yin. On the contrary, insomnia will cause your Yin deficiency, so your condition will be getting worse, this is a vicious circle. If you are suffered from insomnia , you need to get help as soon as possible to change your sleep disorder. Acupuncture and herbs work by increasing Yin and reducing heat in the body to treat this condition. They are the natural ways to release your insomnia with no side effect at all.   -Dr. Chun-Ming Fu If you find this useful don’t forget to SHARE IT with your friends! :D And make sure to Follow Us on Twitter and Like Us on Facebook to receive important news, discounts, and health tips like this